Choosing winter interest shrubs for your Rutland garden
During the cold, dark days of winter you may be forgiven for thinking there isn’t much going on in the garden but look closely and you will see that many plants flower in the winter, and while few have large blooms, several are unsurpassed for scent. The witch hazels (Hamamelis) and shrubby honeysuckles are among them. Mahonias produce large sprays of highly fragrant flowers in the very depths of winter and the scented white flowers of Viburnum appear in all but the coldest spells. Consider too the many brightly foliaged evergreens that bring living colour to the winter garden, such as Leucotheoe and Skimmias full of buds and berries. Others such as heathers give the most vivid shades of orange, gold and red in winter which are often enhanced by periods of very intense cold.
Below are a selection of shrubs we have in stock that will give your garden that lift in what may seem to be a very dark dull time.
Viburnum Tinus – Height & Spread 3m
This is a very popular shrub as it always seems to be in flower. It has large, oval, dark green leaves with dense clusters of pink buds which open in winter and early spring to white flowers. During summer it bears small bluish black fruit. Plant in fertile, moist but well-drained soil, in sun or light shade. Can be used as a flowering hedge or screen.
Daphne Odora Aureomarginata – Height & Spread 1.5m
An extremely attractive, rounded shrub with leather, dark green leaves, set off by an irregular yellow margin. In late winter and early spring it produces small clusters of highly fragrant white flowers that are deep pinkish purple on the outside. Best in partial shade, in a neutral to slightly alkaline soil that is moist but well-drained and rich in organic matter.
Viburnum bodnantense Dawn – Height 3m Spread 2m
This is one of the most reliable of all winter-flowering shrubs. The fragrant, deep pink flowers are produced on bare branches from late autumn to early spring, gradually turning to dark green, then red-bronze in the autumn. Plant in full sun or partial shade, in moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil. Ideal as a specimen or in a mixed border.
Cornus – Height 3m Spread 3m
The oval green leaves of this vigorous shrub turn a bright red in the autumn which then as they fall reveals the vivid shoots which come in a range of colours including red, yellow and orange throughout the winter. These can then be pruned hard in the spring to stimulate new growth, which has the best colour. Cut back to within 2-3 buds from the base of the plant, then feed and mulch. The colour develops fully when the shrub grows in full sun. It thrives in any reasonable fertile, well-drained soil.
Hamamelis – Height & Spread 4m
This elegant shrub is grown for its clusters of fragrant flowers that appear on bare stems in late winter. The rounded bright green leaves turn red and yellow in the autumn. Plant in full sun or partial shade, in moderately fertile, neutral to acid moist but well-drained soil rich in leafy organic matter. Can be grown in a mixed shrub border or on its own as a specimen.
Leucotheoe – Height 2m Spread 3m
A medium sized, upright shrub which has lance-shaped, rather leathery leaves. They are dark red-purple in the spring, becoming dark green in summer before finally producing red and bronze tints in the winter. In spring it has clusters of tiny, white, narrowly pitcher-shaped flowers. It should be grown in a shady position, in acid, humus-rich, moist soil. Ideal for planting in a woodland garden or shady border.
Garrya Elliptica – Height & Spread 4m
The silk-tassel bush is a dense shrub with wavy-edged, leathery, greyish green leaves. Male and female flowers are borne on separate plants. The male plants are more attractive, with longer, dangling, grey green catkins which are borne in mid-winter and early spring. Plant in full sun or partial shade, in fertile, well-drained soil. Excellent on a shady wall or shrub border and good as a specimen or hedging.
Cornus Mas – Height & Spread 5m
A vigorous shrub or small tree with spreading branches and mid-green leaves that turn red-purple in the autumn. It is most dramatic in the winter when it produces an abundance of small, yellow flowers in clusters on bare branches. Bright red fruit ripen in late summer or early autumn. Plant in full sun or partial shade, in any moderately fertile, well-drained soil.
Jasminum nudiflorum – Height & Spread 3m
The winter jasmine is one of the most popular of winter-flowering shrubs. It has arching, scrambling, dark green stems and dark green leaves. It is very free flowering, bearing bright yellow, six-petalled flowers from mid-winter to early spring. It looks best when planted against a fence, wall or trellis, but needs tying in to a support. Plant in full sun or partial shade, in fertile, well-drained soil. Trim after flowering to keep it dense, cutting back to strong buds.
Mahonia – Height 5m Spread 4m
An attractive shrub with large, dark green leaves divided into sharply toothed leaves. Masses of sweetly scented, bright yellow flowers are borne on dense spikes from late autumn to early winter. Plant in partial shade and moderately fertile, humus-rich, moist but well-drained soil. It makes an architectural specimen for planting in front of a wall, in a shrub border or woodland garden.